Introduction: Coordinate System and Cartesian Plane - Math's Buddies

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Introduction: Coordinate System and Cartesian Plane

          Today I begin with coordinate geometry topic which has created a boom in math history, I personally can say " I love this",

          The topic has resolved the problems of location of any thing in space through its arisen, later on with development of the topic the problems used to got better solutions and understandings.

 Coordinate System and Cartesian Plane

without wasting your time I'm going to start with the basics,

Co-ordinate geometry:- do you know if I'm writing a letter latter "A" this means this "A" has some particular location on this web page like this if anything written over blackboard or any surface, those particular writings have some locations with respect to their longitude and latitude locations.

So these latitude and longitude perspectives are known as x axis and y axis respectively.

This location is known as 2 - dimensional or 2D location.

Each point is located as (x,y) the value of x is also known as abscissa and ordinate for y values see below picture for better understanding

Cartesian Graph

in spite of this there are 4 quadrants are well known and accepted which are sequenced as I,II,III & IV quadrants.
      There is an origin called (0, 0) divides quadrant into four sections among which I quadrants always stands for positive values of both axis, and II, III & IV quadrants having certain negative values of according to Cartesian plane you can have a good idea with this image 

Cartesian Plane

With this explanation I think you come to know about Coordinate System/geometry.
As other math fields, this field also has a vast concepts and derivations and solutions like distance between coordinates, line, section of line segment, ratio of point on line etc which I will be taking surely in our next tutorial, until try to locate some points in your rough note book:-
(2,3)  , (4,-5), (-9,5), (-2,-8)

And Also  let me know what else you want to add here.

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